Channel: ProjeQtOr free project management software - ProjeQtOr free project management software - Recent Topics - ProjeQtOr

No landing page on your website - by: al_rodin

Just for your convenience, I'm experiencing this right now: projeqtor.org shows a SOGo login page and a redirect to projeqtor.org/SOGo/  ...


Pages however are reachable typing the full address.


ToDo lists not copied when project is copied - by: Coasterman


The todo lists cannot be copied when the project is copied.
We made a template project, with many todos on Activities.
It is possible to copy todos, e.g. when the activity is copied, but it is not possible to checkmark when the project is copied..


Multiple instance of pesonalized list in template - by: jmmbb


i noticed that multiple instance of personalized list can be used with idInstance__IdRef and it works fine but, when i want to use it in template report, i only be able to use idInstance__IdRef field (and get an Id) or, for each field, Ref.name (for instance ressource.name for iidInstance__IdRef) but ref.name is the same for all personalized list !

How can i get name linked to id for each list ?

Example :

I use several Ressources list in Project :

idRessource : manager of the project
idRSSI__idRessource : RSSI of the project
idRESPONSABLE__idRessource : dor an higher hierarchical responsable

Then, when i want to get these name in my template for "fiche projet", how to get the 3 names in the right place ?

[SOLVED] Unable to get all fields for PROJECT in template report - by: jmmbb


i'm trying to get all fields values for a project by building a custom report with all of then (from fields list in template report module).
You can see template in attachment.

When generating template, i get this error :2023-09-06 13:18:02.256 ***** ERROR ***** [V10.4.4] ERROR *****
2023-09-06 13:18:02.256 ***** ERROR ***** [V10.4.4] on file 'C:\xampp-\htdocs\external\tbs\tbs_class.php' at line (3850)
2023-09-06 13:18:02.256 ***** ERROR ***** [V10.4.4] cause = Array to string conversion

Be able to access all linked elements in custom template report - by: jmmbb


in template report, we have access to data of primary object (ie project) and linked ones (risks, qestions,..) but we can't access to planned elements for instance.
Is it possible to make these accessible ?
It will be good to make some quick reference for a project, with major milestones and date of current activities for exemple (activity that are "in progress" and not "terminated" or "closed").
Rference to product will be great too for put on quick reference link with other products...


About PRODUCTS : Is-it possible to show products to just a few people? - by: iFlorian

Hi there,
I wonder if Is-it possible to show products to just a few people?  
I have a user who asks me about this: he wants to use the products but doesn't want other users other than his department to be able to see and use them. 
I didn't find how to adjust the rights permissions for a team or member of a department on a product.

Thank you for your reply :) 

Have a good day,

New (and last) patch on V10.4 - by: babynus

A new version V10.4.5 has just been deployed.
It fixes all the latest identified issues and becomes the latest stable version.This will be the last patch of V10.4
... while waiting for the (very) next version
...which will not be V10.5 as expected...it will be V11.0with lots of ergonomic improvements
which we look forward to presenting to you.

Access right - by: alshahari

How can I make the user have privileges as a Administrator, but his privileges are only in his organization of which he is the manager

Name for component version (and product version) - by: jmmbb


name for component and product version are fixed with <product or component name><version number>.
It's good to keep reference to version number but means you get "VEEAM11" for VEEAM V11 version.
Is it possible to get, like for other reference, a parameter for formatting versions ? So we can get more clean name for reports (ex : template {Object} V{number} to get "VEEAM V11" instead of "VEEAM11").


[SOLVED] Tools - Email detail and Subscribe detail buttons missing - by: hery@voisinconsulting.com

Hello everyone.
Can anyone tell me what to do to show Email detail and Subscribe detail buttons in details area of elements ?


visualization of projects and sub-projects - by: pdecloedt

a team member is assigned to a sub-project, but not to the “parent” project. Is it normal that he does not see the project for which he is assigned?
to avoid "polluting" it, it is not desirable for it to be assigned to "parent" projects

Tools - Email detail & Subscribe detail buttons missing - by: hery@voisinconsulting.com

Hello everybody!
Can anyone tell me where are configs to show Email detail and Subscribe detail buttons in details area of an element ?


Notes: Creation and editing date doesn't include time - by: TimoHocker

There seems to have been a change recently where the time got removed from the "created on" and "updated on" timestamps.
The time was quite useful to us, so we would like to be able to see it again.

New version V11.0.0 - by: babynus

We are proud to announce that version V11.0.0 has just been deployed as a Release Candidate.
We worked based on recommendations from members of "Qlub of users" to improve the ergonomics of ProjeQtOr and make it an even friendlier tool to use.
We hope you'll enjoy these improvements.
Don't hesitate to give us your feedback on the forum: what is good, what is not, what could be further improved...The main evolutions that you can discover in this version are:
  • Improved planning view
    • New format of the options bar, clearer, more readable
    • Resizing / Moving columns using “Drag & Drop”
    • Online entry
  • Redesign of the "Today" screen: Clearer presentation
  • Redesigned of the "Start Guide" screen, based on the same model as the "Today" screen
  • Improvement of the Timesheet view: New format of the options bar
  • Improvement of the project selector: New format with tabs, more explicit
  • Calendar by Project: Possibility to attach a calendar to each project, to calculate durations
  • Timezone per user: Possibility for each user to display times (for deadlines on tickets) in their time zone
  • Improvement of critical resources: More readable tables
Check the  change history  for more information on the contents of this version.

Gantt view : new mode to edit online - by: babynus

The Gantt view now offers two distinct operating modes.
  • The “display of details on a single click” mode, which is the historical mode of ProjeQtOr.
    In this mode, simply clicking on a row in the table allows you to show its detail.
  • The "display on double click" mode, which is a new mode introduced in V11.0.
    In this mode, simply clicking on a line puts the line into edit mode.
    You must double-click on the line to display the detail.
    This is the new default mode.
If you want to return to the old operating mode, change the setting in the dedicated pop-up via the icon  .
You can also just right-click on the line for the context menu. delete from parameter where parameterCode='planningClickAction';