When you create a project, the field "project code" is important because it is used as prefix to name with a unique id milestone, activities,....
And this unique id can't be modify.
And the problem is (for me) when you generate a new project with a template :
If yes, I suggest when a project is created from a template, to ask for his new name, but for a new project code too.
Could be possible ?
When you create a project, the field "project code" is important because it is used as prefix to name with a unique id milestone, activities,....
And this unique id can't be modify.
And the problem is (for me) when you generate a new project with a template :
- The project code used for the copying project is the same as for template. You can change it of course
- But the activities, milestone,....copying have the project code from template and not from the new project
If yes, I suggest when a project is created from a template, to ask for his new name, but for a new project code too.
Could be possible ?